Magmart XI winners!
And the winners are...
Ascensor - Adrian Garcia Gomez (United States)
Beautytudes - José Ramón da Cruz (Spain)
Before the eyes - Simon Šerc & Martina Testen (Slovenia)
Child - Viviane Riberaigua (France)
Counterclockwise - Pedram Yazdani (Spain)
Culpado - Alexia Maltner (Brazil)
Cyclamen - Davide Canali (Italy)
Desenredar - Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (France)
Grans canons - Luce Grosjean (France)
Guster - John C. Kelley (United States)
Howling corners - Lika Sidorova (Russian Federation)
Irae - Gérard Cairaschi (France)
Koud slova - Johannes Christopher Gerard (Netherlands)
La memoria de un oído - Úrsula San Cristóbal (Spain)
Le murmure des choses - Michel Pavlou (Norway)
Memories - Pezhmann Mokary (Denmark)
Mezzanine_act1 - Salvatore Insana (Italy)
Paralysis - Tom Sajewski (Poland)
Politik - Antonello Matarazzo (Italy)
Rebirth - Shir Handelsman (Israel)
Ritual and Repetition - Eric Souther (United States)
Russell's - Ece Yazicigil (Turkey)
Skinned - Francesca Fini (Italy)
That mysterious light - Úrsula San Cristóbal (Spain)
The Magic Bullet - Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru)
The shameless - Gustavo Gorzalczany (Argentina)
The three chairs - Jerry King Musser (United States)
Three - Teymur Daimi (Azerbaijan)
Thus spoke Zarathustra - Joanna & Rubens (Taiwan)
Uriel - Harvey Goldman (United States)
The screening will occur on may 24, at CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum (Naples, Italy).