[Born in: Netherlands / Live in: Netherlands / Male]

ferrie = differentieel is a pseudonym of Ferrie Maaswinkel (1947, Amsterdam)
differentieel means a ‘switching mechanism‘ in Dutch
but also means ‘variation‘
the greater the variation, the more the brain is challenged, are his thoughts.
this variation can be found in his background
first as a painter and designer,
but since 2007 as a sound-designer, arranger and composer. meanwhile he also has an impressive list of compositions to his credits.
he has strong preference for collaborations with other artists from varied disciplines.
music and sound according to him, gives an extra dimension to a movie, a picture, a work of art
the imagination of the visitor is thus in many ways stimulated. in short, the brain is challenged.
although his music as cinematic is circumscribed,
it does not make music for the masses.
his music is for the curious listener, for those who are open to a different interpretations than the usual
his musical productions alway make you think.

Ferrie Maaswinkel - work on year: 1918

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